200 Medicinal Tree plantation in Miyawaki project 

Ahmednagar – June 2024 - Bosco Gramin Vikas Kendra (BGVK) organized Medicinal Tree Plantation drive in Mathani village of Nagar block at Ahmednagar district. Altogether 22 volunteers participated from Powercorn, Tata Power, BGVK and villagers in these programmes financially supported by Tata Power Community Development Trust, Mumbai.

A medicinal tree plantation program is a significant initiative. The main objective is to promote health, biodiversity, and sustainable livelihoods. This program aims to cultivate various medicinal trees that can be used for traditional medicine, support ecological balance, and provide economic benefits to communities. 150 medicinal trees were planted in Miyawaki project. The volunteers were happy and grateful to the TPCDT and BGVK.